1. What is IndieMusic.ie?
IndieMusic.ie is a place to share your great music with people from around the world. It specialises in promoting independent Irish based musicians.
2. I am an artist/I represent a band, how do I register?
Click the Register button located in the upper right corner of this page.
You’ll be taken to a simple registration form where you fill in your desired user name and a valid email address. Be careful to fill in your email address correctly as your password will be emailed to you there.
3. How do I add a band page?
Once registered, login to IndieMusic.ie using the login form in the upper right corner of this page. You’ll be redirected to your private area where you can add a band page as well as update your details. Please read our Add a band page – How To guide for detailed information about how to create your band profile.
4. How many band pages can I add?
You can add as many band pages as you’d like. Remember, before your band page is live, IndieMusic.ie admins will review it and if they find problems with your listing, they will ask you to take steps to rectify them.